
Team Pineapple

Project Description

Our team will be assembling a WeatherBox that will collect weather data on the roof of a UH Manoa building. Through collecting these data, we hope to make UH Manoa a self-sustainable microgrid. Our WeatherBox will gather weather and power consumption usage information in order to help reduce UH Manoa’s carbon footprint and expensive costs. “Save Mother Nature” -2k17

Team Members

Kevin Liu, Alex Wong, Joseph McConnell


Build an awesome, working WeatherBox.

Acquire and independently apply design techniques: Arduino Uno, Eagle, Soldering

Improve our presentation and networking skills

Build a functioning, compact, cost-efficient prototype WeatherBox

Gantt Chart

Schematic and PCB Design

Housing (Draft)

Meeting Minutes



Contributing authors:

awong jmcconnell kliu

Created by jmcconnell on 2017/09/08 23:59.

  • weatherbox/team_pineapple/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)