Guava (7th Generation SCEL Weatherbox)

Current Team:
Joy Maehara (EE),
Elizabeth Talioaga (EE),
Jordan Okumura (EE),
Jayden Orvainen (EE),
Winston Lam (EE)

Lab Hours:
Monday: 4:30pm-7:30pm
Friday: 9:30am-11:30am

Guava is the seventh generation in the Weatherbox lineage. The main purpose of the Weatherbox is to collect meteorological sensor data and send it to a database. Guava specializes in integrating sensor modules into the board, which will take up less real estate and be better optimized to handle weather data. Our goal is to help the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa find the most optimal places to implement renewable energy for the future

Team Guava is currently in the Revision E1, or REV E1 for short, of the printed circuit board. Team Guava deployed a Weatherbox at the end of Spring 2023. As of Spring 2024, Team Guava has an additional Weatherbox ready to deploy and is currently populating more REV E1 boards to create a Guava Network.

Team Guava's goals are to:

  • Produce a self-sustaining environmental sensor module that will collect meteorological data
  • Cut PCB size and project costs as much as possible while still retaining functionality
  • Test and deploy additional Weatherboxes by the end of the semester
  • Aid the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa in creating a microgrid


Contributing authors:

abaker aereno bwong changjul dkvilla dlin dtakenaka etalioaga jkahookele klauritzen mleong mmochizuki msalcedo rcammack shuang

Created by mleong on 2017/01/19 01:50.

  • weatherbox/guava/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/01/30 03:03
  • by etalioaga