

Cranberry v4.1 Charging

The Cranberry Weatherbox is the third generation environmental sensor module, capable of measuring barometric pressure, humidity, temperature, and solar irradiation. The module is integrated as part of a weather sensor network that communicates with a central server. The main motivation for the design of Cranberry is to improve upon the hardware of the first generation weatherbox, Apple. This is accomplished mainly through the implementation of a more efficient power system and an overall reduction in size and cost.

However, the original design contains numerous hardware design problems, and is currently not operational. Therefore, the Cranberry team is responsible for troubleshooting the problems of this design, as well as implementing changes which will improve the design as a whole.

  • FA2014-SP2015: Conrad Chong (Version 1)
  • FA2015-SP2016: Brandon Amano and Kim Pee Castro (Version 2-3)
  • FA2016-SP2017: Jennifer Chun, Joslyn Hamada, and Emily Lum (Deploying Version 3.5, Designing 4.0)
  • FA2017: Jennifer Chun and Joslyn Hamada (Deploying 4.0, Designing 4.1)
  • SP2018: Jennifer Chun, Joslyn Hamada, Emily Kane, and Emily Lum (Deploying 4.0 and 4.1)
  • FA2018: Clyde Felix, Emily Kane, Emily Lum (Deploying 4.1, Designing 4.2)
  • SP2019: Emily Kane, Joseph McConnell (Designing 4.2, Debug 4.1, Deploying 4.2)
  • Design Cranberry 4.2
  • Debug Cranberry 4.1
  • Populate and debug Cranberry 4.2
  • Deploy Cranberry 4.2
  • Populate and debug Cranberry 4.1
  • Deploy Cranberry 4.1
  • Design Cranberry 4.2
  • Solder Cranberry 4.0 and 4.1
  • Test and troubleshoot 4.0 and 4.1
  • Deploy 1 Cranberry 4.0
  • Deploy 1 Cranberry 4.1
  • Solder 2 Cranberry 4.0 boards
  • Test and troubleshoot 4.0
  • Deploy 2 Cranberry 4.0
  • Continue debugging 3.2 and 3.5 if there is time
  • Update Cranberry Documentation
  • Troubleshoot problems with current design and fabricate operational board
  • Improve upon Cranberry board layout and implement personal design preferences
  • Test, debug, and deploy Cranberry v3.5
  • Design a new Cranberry version
  • Improve the Cranberry board with changes from Spring 2016

Cranberry v4.2 Main Board

EAGLE Schematic: cranberry_main_4.2.png

Cranberry v4.2 Sensor Board

EAGLE Schematic: cranberry_sensor_4.2.png

Power Regulation

Part Name Part Number Description
Solar Charger MCP73871 Battery Charge Management Controller
Li-Ion Battery Adafruit 353 Lithium Ion Battery Pack 3.7V 6,600 mAh
Voltage Regulator MIC5219 3.3V LDO 0.5A S0T23-5
IC Sensor Switch TPS27081A 1.2V to 8V 3A High-Side Load Switch
Solar Panel Adafruit 1525 Huge 6V 5.6W Solar Panel - 930 mA

Microcontroller (MCU)

Part Name Part Number Description
Atmel Microcontroller ATMEGA328P 8-bit Microcontroller 32KB Flash
TXC Crystal Oscillator 9C-8.000MEEJ-T External 8MHz Crystal Quartz SMD


Part Name Part Number Description
Honeywell Humidity / Temperature HIH6131-021-001 Sensor Humidity/Temp I2C 4% SMD
Apogee Solar Irradiance Apogee SP-212 Self-Powered Pyranometer
Freescale Barometer MPL115A2T1 Miniature I2C Digital Barometer
TI Solar Irradiance ADC ADS1115 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) 16-Bit I2C
GPS Adafruit 3013 Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout - 66 channel w/10 Hz
Real Time Clock DS3231 Adafruit DS3231 Precision RTC Breakout


Part Name Part Number Description

Cranberry FA14 Report

Presentation Fall 2015 Spring 2016 Fall 2016 Spring 2017 Fall 2017 Spring 2018 Fall 2018 Spring 2019
Proposal Presentation FA15 SP16 FA16 SP17 FA17 SP18 FA18
PDR Presentation FA15 FA16 SP17 FA17 SP18 FA18
CDR Presentation FA15 FA16 SP17 FA17 SP18 FA18
Final Presentation FA15 FA16 SP17 FA17 SP18 FA18
Poster Presentation FA15 FA17 SP18 FA18
Final Report FA17 SP16 F16 FA17 FA18


Contributing authors:

bamano cjfelix cobatake ekane elum jchun jhamada jmcconnell kluong kpcastro

Created by cobatake on 2015/12/02 02:59.

  • weatherbox/cranberry/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)